Landscape Worker
Labor Finders of Austell is seeking an experienced landscaper. As a landscape worker, you will be responsible for maintaining lawns and gardens, planting and removing plants, and operating landscaping equipment.
Lawn and Garden Maintenance
- Mow, edge, and fertilize lawns
- Rake and weed gardens
- Trim shrubs and trees
- Prune trees and shrubs to maintain their shape and appearance
Planting and Removing Plants
- Plant flowers, shrubs, bushes, and grass
- Remove weeds and dead plants
- Plant new decorative plants
Landscaping Equipment
- Use and maintain landscaping equipment such as tractors, mowers, leaf blowers, and aerators
- Conduct minor repairs and maintenance on equipment
Other Duties
- Mark boundaries and paint fields with logos or names
- Clean walkways
- Fix fountains
- Ensure plant growth
- Uphold landscaping design
- Experience working as a landscaper or in a similar role
- Ability to design and maintain outdoor spaces
- Proficiency with various tools and equipment
- Ability to manage projects
To review job details and complete the application process, please visit the Austell Labor Finders office between 9 AM and 4 PM at:
5041 Dallas Highway, Suite 404 (the last building at the back of the complex)
Please remember to bring two forms of identification. Jobs are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and specific job details can only be provided in person. We look forward to seeing you soon!