Day Care Teacher
Thomasville, GA
Part Time
Entry Level
Labor Finders of Thomasville is seeking candidates to fill the following role:
Day Care Teacher
The ideal candidate will have the following experience/requirements:
- CPR/First Aid Certified
- Experience working with children of all ages
- Responsible for the safety and health of children in your care
- Excellent communication with parents, other teachers, and upper level staff.
- Clean and orderly environment
Labor Finders is an equal opportunity employer.
Day Care Teacher
The ideal candidate will have the following experience/requirements:
- CPR/First Aid Certified
- Experience working with children of all ages
- Responsible for the safety and health of children in your care
- Excellent communication with parents, other teachers, and upper level staff.
- Clean and orderly environment
Labor Finders is an equal opportunity employer.
Labor Finders is a free service that seeks to find the best match from a variety of available positions.
To review job details and complete the application process you should report to the Thomasville Labor Finders office between 6am & 4:30pm at:
Labor Finders 2004 GA HWY 122 STE 9 Thomasville, GA 31757
Jobs are filled on a first come basis and specific job details can only be provided in person. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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